Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bad things

Reading “The Stand”, a book about an epidemic super flu that kills everybody.

Reading “The Stand”, a book about an epidemic super flu that kills everybody– during flu season.

Getting diagnosed with the flu after reading “The Stand”, a book about an epidemic super flu that kills everybody.

Almost passing out in the doctor’s office, and vomiting in front of the nurse.

Having to use your jacket as a pillow and lie down on the cushy table so you won’t pass out.

Having to listen to piped in music that included “She’s like the wind” (by Patrick Swayze? Is that right?) and “Manic Monday” while you wait for the doctor.

Having to listen, “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn” while waiting for your prescription for cough medicine.

Basically, being sick blows. Especially when you are forced to listen to 80's music all day. I was bracing myself for Cyndi Lauper at any moment.

Good things:

My baby had a flu shot. She’s perfectly fine.

The cough medicine is a narcotic. Oh yes, that’s right. A NARCOTIC. Sometimes in the midst of badness, you just have to turn yourself over to better living through pharmocology.

I’m going to go blow my nose.

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